Sermon Guides

If you miss a Sunday and would like to follow along using the Sermon guide, just click on the links below. 

  • nehemiah: Moving Ahead in the Face of Opposition

    nehemiah 4

  • Nehemiah: doing god's work

    nehemiah 3

  • nehemiah: a vision for a great work

    nehemiah 2:9-20

  • Nehemiah: God at work, Nehemaih at work

    Nehemiah 2:1-10

  • Nehemiah: i man of prayer

    nehemiah 1

  • Nehemiah: Called by god

    nehemiah 1:1-4

  • Everyone is invited to the party

    luke 14:12-24

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • The Real Hunger games

    john 4:3-42

  • Proclaiming, until He comes

    1 corinthians 11:23-26

  • What Difference does it make?

    ephesians 1:3-23

  • 7 T'S STEWARDSHIP: STEWARDING Talents (Spiritual Gifts)

    1 corinthians 12

  • 7 t's stewardship: stewarding transmission of the gospel

    deuteronomy 11:13-25

  • 7 t's stewardship: stewarding Temple

    Romans 11:33 - 12:5

  • 7 t's stewardship: stewarding treasure

    1 chronicles 29:1-20

  • 7 t's stewardship: stewarding time

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

  • 7 t's of stewardship: stewarding tasks (work)

    Colossians 3:18 - 4:1

  • 7 T's of Stewardship: Stewarding God's Earth and Terrain

    Genesis 1:26-31; 2:15

  • The Ressurection: Did it really happen? What difference does it make?

    1 corinthians 15:1-26

  • Good Friday Tenebrae service

  • Welcome the King



    REVELATION 3:7-13

  • 7 Churches of revelation

    jesus' words to a complacent Church

    revelation 3:14-22

  • 7 churches of revelation

    Jesus' words to a dead church

    revelation 3:1-6

  • 7 churches of revelation

    jesus' words to a tolerant church

    revelation 2:18-29

  • 7 churches of revelation

    jesus' words to a  compromising church

    revelation 2:12-17

  • 7 churches of revelation

    Jesus' words to a SUFFERING CHURCH

    rEVELATION 2:8-11

  • 7 churches of revelation

    Jesus' words to a loveless church

    reVelation 2:1-7

  • mission and vision - " Gracious acceptance"

    romans 5-1:11

  • Mission and Vision - "Real Relationships"

    Ephesians 3:14-21

  • Mission and Vision - "Hope Driven"

    1 peter 1:1-9

  • Mission and Vision - "more and better desciples"

    matthew 28:16-20

  • Where Does your help come from? 12/31

    Psalm 121

  • Christmas day service

  • Jesus Came to testify to the truth

    john 18:28-40

  • Why Jesus Came

    1 john 3:1-10

  • Jesus Came to Destroy the Devil’s Work

    1 John 3:1-10

  • Uncoerced Love

    Matthew 5:17-20

  • Hunger for Righteousness

    matthew 25:31-46


  • biblical communication: edifying speech

    ephesians 4:17-30

  • Biblical communication: handling conflict

    matthew 18:15-20

  • biblical communication: Accountability

    2 samuel 11:26 & 12:14

  • Biblical Communication:

    Tell the truth

    john 8:31-47

  • Biblical communication:

    Humbler THan YOu

    Hebrews 12:1-11

  • biblical communication:

    Listen Before Speaking

    james 1:19-27

  • Spiritual disciplines: 

    A reason to Celebrate

    2 Samuel 6:1-15


    matthew 9:16-30

  • spiritual Disciplines: delighting in service

    mark 9:30-41



    1 John 1:5-10


    MATTHEW 6:1-18


    DELIGHTING IN Submission)

    Mark 8:31-9:1



    1 KINGS 3:1-15; JAMES 5:5-8

    Special Guest Speaker, Tom Kraeuter



    1 Kings 3:1-15; James 5:5-8


    MARK 1:21-38, TEXT: 35

  • "Spiritual Disciplines: Delighting In

    and Meditating On God’s Word"

    Psalm 1

  • Doing what is right in whose eyes?!


  • Judah and Tamar

    Genesis 38:11-30

    Sermon Guide

  • You gotta serve somebody

    Leviticus 25:39-46

    Sermon Guide

  • Piddling Offenses

    Numbers 31:1-20

    Sermon Guide

  • Ordinary Heroes

    Exodus 4:1-17

    Sermon Guide

  • The Unseen Weapon

    Ephesians 6:18-20

    Sermon Guide

  • Justice?

    Psalms 137

    Sermon Guide

  • his word is mine

    Hebrews 4:1-13

    Sermon Guide

  • Use Your Brain: Protect Your Head

    1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • COnfident Hope

    Hebrews 11:1-13

    Sermon Guide

  • Lace up the shoes of peace

    Philippians 4:1-9

    Sermon Guide

  • Better than them

    1 Corinthians 1:18-31

    Sermon Guide

  • Nothing BUt the truth

    Ephesians 4:17-25

    Sermon Guide

  • Digging in our heels

    Ephesians 6:10-20

    Sermon Guide

  • Walking with jesus...out of the grave

    John 20:1-8

    Sermon Guide

  • good friday tenebrae service

  • WHo is Jesus?

    Matthew 21:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • first thing(s) first about worship part 7

    John 12: 1-11

    Sermon Guide


    John 17:6-19

    Sermon Guide

  • First thing(s) first about worship part 5

    Acts 2:41-47

    Sermon Guide

  • First thing(s) first about worship part 4

    Philippians 2:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • First thing(s) first about worship part 3

    Jeremiah 31:31-34

    Sermon Guide

  • First thing(s) first about worship part 2

    Exodus 3:1-15

    Sermon Guide

  • First thing(s) first about worship part 1

    Matthew 4:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • Pulling Rank

    Mark 9:33-37

    Sermon Guide

  • Naomi's Family

    Ruth 1:1-18

    Sermon Guide

  • Liar Liar

    Acts 4:32 & 5:11

    Sermon Guide

  • Called to serve: God

    John 12:20-26

    Sermon Guide

  • What sort of king?

    Matthew 2:1/12

    Sermon Guide

  • New world, old truth

    Revelations 21:1-8

    Sermon Guide

  • Christmas Morining Service

  • Power Tripping

    Luke 2:25-35

    Sermon Guide

  • Never say never

    Luke 1:57-80

    Sermon Guide

  • The King comes to visit us

    Luke 1:39-56

    Sermon Guide

  • Build in Keeping with your foundation

  • Marriage Series part 7 0f 7 (11/20/2022)

    Genesis 29:9-30

    Sermon Guide

  • marriage series part 6 of 7 (11/13/2022)

    Matthew 1:18-25

    Sermon Guide

  • marriage series part 5 of 7 (11/6/2022)

    Ruth 4:1-17

    Sermon Guide

  • marriage series part 4 of 7 (10/30/2022)

    Hosea 1:2-11

    Sermon Guide

  • Marriage Series part 3 of 7 (10/23/22)

    Genesis 18:1-15

    Sermon Guide

  • Marriage series part 2 of 7 (10/16/22)

    Judges 16:4-31

    Sermon Guide

  • Marriage part 1 (10/9/2022)

    Genesis 2:18-25

    Sermon Guide

  • Psalm 23

    Psalm 23:6

    Sermon Guide

  • Psalm 23

    Psalm 23:5

    Sermon Guide

  • Psalm 23

    Psalm 23:4

    Sermon Guide

  • Psalm 23 - Youth Sunday

    Psalm 23:3

    Sermon Guide

  • Psalm 23

    Psalm 23:1-2

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable series Part #10 of 10


    Matthew 13:47-50

    Sermon Guide

  • parable series part #9 of 10

    The Kingdom Does No Harm

    Matthew 13:24-30

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable Series part #8 of 10

    Final Fantasy

    Luke 18:9-14

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable series part #7 of 10

    Inconvenient People

    Luke 10:25-37

    Sermon Guide


    Laborers in the Vineyard: A Parable

    Matthew 20:1-16

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable series part #5 0f 10

    The Prodigal Father's Source of Joy

    Luke 15: 11-32

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable Series Part #4 of 10

    Mitigating Anxiety

    Luke 12:13-34

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable series part #3 of 10

    Name It

    Luke 16:19-31

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable Series Part #2 of 10

    Fully Qualified

    Matthew 21:23-32

    Sermon Guide

  • Parable series part #1 of 10

    The Forgiving King & Unforgiving Servant

    Matthew 18:18-35

    Sermon Guide

  • A "Father's Day" Gift: How to play

    Luke 11:1-13

    Sermon Guide

  • The Mercy seat part 2 0f 3

    Numbers 17

    Sermon Guide

  • The mercy seat part 1 of 3

    Exodus 32:15-24 & Hebrews 9:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • Discerning the body: Children at the Lord's Table (5/22/2022)

    1 Corinthians 11:17-34

    Sermon Guide

  • Discipleship Foundations (5/15/2022)

    Mark 10:13-16

    Sermon Guide

  • discipleship foundations (5/8/2022)

    Colossians 3:18 & 4:1

    Sermon Guide

  • Disciplieship Foundations (5/1/2022)

    Proverbs 21:3 & 1 John 3:7

    Sermon Guide

  • Discipleship FOundations (4/24/2022)

    Proverbs 1:1-7 & 20-33

    Sermon Guide

  • Resurrection Sunday (4/17/2022)

    Matthew 28:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • Good Friday COmmunion & Tenebrae (4/15/2022)

    Matthew 4:1-11

    Good Friday

  • Palm SUnday: The triumphal entry

    Mark 11:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • discipleship foundations

    Deuteronomy 6

    Sermon Guide

  • discipleship foundations

    Psalm 127

    Sermon Guide

  • Discipleship foundations

    1 Corinthians 7:12-14

    Sermon Guide

  • God's Grace: the great leveler

    Matthew 19:16-30

    Sermon Guide

  • Jesus feeds his disciples for their spiritual journey

    Matthew 26 : 26-29

    Sermon Guide

  • Jesus baptizes with the holy spirit

    Mark 1:1-9

    Sermon Guide

  • love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:7

    Sermon Guide

  • Love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:6

    Sermon Guide

  • love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:5b

    Sermon Guide

  • love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:5b & Galatians 2:1-14

    Sermon Guide

  • love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:4c-5a

    Sermon Guide

  • Love Is...

    1 Corinthians 13:4b & Jeremiah 9:23-26

    Sermon Guide

  • love is...

    1 Corinthians 13:4a & 2 Peter 3:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • Vision Frame 2022

    Philemon 4-6

    Sermon Guide

  • Visit of the Magi

    Matthew 2:1-12

    Sermon Guide

  • advent #4: Love

    1 John 4:1-12

    Sermon Guide

  • Advent #3: JOy

    Hubakkuk 3:17-19

    Sermon Guide

  • Advent #2: Peace

    Philippians 4:2-9

    Sermon Guide

  • Advent #1: Hope

    Titus 2:11-14

    Sermon Guide

  • Jesus is a servant leader who makes servant leaders

    John 13:12-20

    Sermon Guide

  • Portraits of jesus: part 6 of 6

    Matthew 12:38-50

    Sermon Guide

  • Life groups series, our model prayer:

    part 7 of 7

    Romans 5:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • Life groups series, our model prayer:

    part 6 of 7

    Matthew 18:21-35
  • Life groups series, our model prayer:

    part 5 of 7 (10/24/2021)

    John 6:1-13

    Sermon Guide

  • Life groups series, our model prayer:

    part 4 of 7 (10/17/2021)

    Titus 2:11 , 3:8

    Sermon Guide

  • Life groups series, our model prayer:            part 3 of 7 (10/10/2021)

    Colossians 1:1-23

    Sermon Guide

  • Life Groups series, OUr Model prayer:

    Part 2 of 7 (10/3/2021)

    Rev. 4:1-11 & 5:11-14

    Sermon Guide

  • life groups series, our model prayer:

    Part 1 of 7 (9/26/2021)

    1 John 3:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • Portraits of jesus: #6

    Hebrews 10:19-31

    Sermon Guide

  • Portraits of Jesus: #5 "king"

    Matthew 12:22-37

    Sermon Guide

  • Luke 10:25-37

    Sermon Guide

  • saved by grace

    Ephesians 2:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • Jesus needs to be first

    Luke 14:25-35

    Sermon Guide

  • portraits of jesus: #4 "Lord"

    Matthew 12:1-21

    Sermon Guide


    Matthew 11:25-27

    Sermon Guide

  • Portraits of jesus: #2 Judge

    Matthew 11:20-24

    Sermon Guide

  • Portraits of Jesus: #1 The christ of God

    Matthew 11:2-19

    Sermon Guide

  • Hopitality: feeling at home

    Matthew 25: 31-46

    Sermon Guide

  • Matthew 10:40-42

    Sermon Guide

  • The "model-Mission"

    Part #3 Trust instructions

    Matthew 10: 26-39

    Sermon Guide

  • The "model-mission" 

    Part #2 Trouble Instructons

    Matthew 10:16-25

    Sermon Guide

  • The "model-mission" part #1 travel instructios

  • mission ready disciples

    Matthew 10:1

    Sermon Guide

  • The "master's" Touch

    The Great Commission  (6/6/2021)

    Matthew 28:6-20

    Sermon Guide

  • The “Master’s” Touch

    Part # 8: The Desperation Miracles, Part #2 (5/30/2021)


    Matthew 9:27-38

    Sermon Guide


    Matthew 9:18-27

    Sermon Guide

  • The "master's" touch - The "fasting" controversy part #6 (05/16/2021)

    Matthew 9:14-17

    Sermon Guide

  • The "Fellowship" controversy - part #5 (05/09/2021)

    Matthew 9:9-13

    Sermon Guide

  • The "master's" touch - part #4 - The "forgiveness" controversy (05/02/2021)

    Matthew 9:1-8

    Sermon Guide

  • the master's touch - part #3 (04/25/2021)

    Matthew 8:28-43

    Sermon Guide

  • The "Master's" touch - part #2 The cost of discipleship (04/18/2021)

    Matthew 8:18-27

    Sermon Guide

  • The "master's" touch - part #1: breaking barriers of alienation (04/11/2021)

    Matthew 8:1-15

    Sermon Guide

  • Resurrection sunday (04/04/2021)

    Luke 24:13-26

    Sermon Guide

  • palm sunday (3/28/2021)

    Matthew 21:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • whatever: a heart checkup (03/21/2021)

    Philippians 4:8-9

    Sermon Guide

  • b.a.s.i.c. training, part #9 - Fulfilling the Law #3 (03/14/21)

    Matthew 8:1-4

    Sermon Guide

  • b.a.s.i.c. training, part #8 - true discipleship (03/07/2021)

    Matthew 7:13-29

    Sermon Guide

  • b.A.S.I.C. TRAINING PART #7 - jUDGING OTHERS (02/28/2021)

    Matthew 7:1-6

    Sermon Guide

  • B.A.S.I.C. training #6 - Do Not Worry (02/21/2021)

    Matthew 6:25-34

    Sermon Guide

  • b.a.s.i.c. training #5 - on prayer (02/14/2021)

    Matthew 6:5-15

    Sermon Guide

  • b.a.s.i.c. Training #4 - fulfilling the law #2 (02/07/2021)

    Matthew 5:21-48

    Sermon Guide

  • B.A.S.I.C. Training #3 - fulfilling the law #1

    Matthew 5:17-20

    Sermon Guide

  • B.A.S.I.C. Training #2 - salt & light (01/24/2021)

    Matthew 5:13-16

    Sermon Guide

  • B.A.S.I.C. Training #1 - the call of mercy (01/17/2021)

    Matthew 5:2-11

    Sermon Guide

  • First Sunday in advent: The Ministry of god's absence (11/29/2020)

    Psalm 80 & Isaiah 64

    Sermon Guide

  • Breaking strongholds - part #9 - Law and order (11/15/2020)

    Romans 13:1-7

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds part #8 - Marriage and Family (11/08/2020)

    Ephesians 5:15-32

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds - part #7 - what happened to fatherhood? (11/01/2020)

    Ephesians 6:1-6

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds - Part #6 - Abandoned Children: Orphans and Foster Care (10/25/2020)

    Malachi 3:1-6

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds - part #5 - lgbtq: gender and human sexuality (10/18/2020)

    Genesis 2:18-25

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds - Part #4 - Human trafficking (10/11/2020)

    Jeremiah 34:8-16

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds - part #3 - poverty (10/4/2020)

    Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

    Sermon Guide

  • Breaking strongholds, Part #2 - homelessness (09/27/2020)

    Luke 9:57-62

    Sermon Guide

  • breaking strongholds, part #1 - the opioid crisis (09/20/2020)

    John 9:1-8

    Sermon Guide

  • Who's who in the old testament: part 12 - Joshua (09/06/2020)

    Joshua 1:1-9

    Sermon Guide

  • Being "Light" in the world

    Philippians 2:12-18

    Sermon Guide

  • WHO'S WHO IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: pART 11: mOSES (08/30/2020)

    Deuteronomy 6:1-7, 10-13

    Sermon Guide

  • who's who in the old testament: Part 10 -  aaron (08/23/2020)

    Exodus 4:10-17

    Sermon Guide

  • 2 Samuel 13:1-22 - Stewart deJong (08/16/2020)

    No sermon guide this week

  • The Secret to remaining Unified (08/09/2020)

    Philippians 2:1-4

    Sermon Guide

  • who's who in the old testament: Part 9 - Joseph (08/02/2020)

    Genesis 37:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • THE H.O.W. OF WORSHIP (07/19/2020)

    John 4:23-24

    Sermon Guide

  • the w.h.y. of worship

    Psalm 100

    Sermon Guide

  • who's who in the old testament: Part 8 - Judah  (7/5/2020)

    Genesis 29:31-35

    Sermon Guide

  • who's who in the old testament: part 7 - levi (06/28/2020)

    Genesis 29:31-34

    Sermon Guide

  • Keep standing (06/21/2020)

    Philippians 1:27-30

    Sermon Guide

  • Who's who in the old testament: part 6

    Jacob (06/14/2020)

    Genesis 32:22-32

    Sermon Guide

  • Who's who in the old testament: Part 5 - Isaac:  Heir of the Covenant (06/07/2020)

    Genesis 26:1-5

    Sermon Guide

  • who's who is the old testament: Part 4

    Abraham Believed God (05/31/2020)

    Genesis 18:1-15

    Sermon Guide

  • advance the gospel by all means (5/24/2020)

    Philippians 1:12-18

    Sermon Guide

  • wHo's who in the old testament: #3 nimrod (5/17/2020)

    Genesis 10:6-12

    Sermon Guide

  • Who's who in the old testament: #2 noah (5/10/20)

    Genesis 6:9-22

    Sermon Guide

  • 40 Days, 40 Years: Testing and Blessing (04/26/2020)

    James 1:1-4 & 12

    Sermon Guide

  • Who's who in the old testament: #1 Adam/Eve (5/3/2020)

    Genesis 1:26-32

    Sermon Guide

  • Emmanuel in Emmaus (04/19/2020)

    Luke 24:13-35

    Sermon Guide

  • resurrection sunday (4/12/2020)

    Mark 16:1-8

    Sermon Guide

  • Alone in the Garden (4/5/2020)

    Mark 14:32-41

    Sermon Guide

  • jesus came for "us" (3/29/2020)

    Mark 14:1-11

    Sermon Guide

  • Another brick in the wall - objective met, but the mission continues (03/22/2020)

    Nehemiah 6:15 - 7:4

    Sermon Guide

  • another brick in the wall - Staying True to the Cause of the Kingdom (03/15/2020)

    Nehemiah 6:1-14

    Sermon Guide

  • Another Brick in the wall - Managing the threat of discord (03/08/2020)

    Nehemiah 5:1-13

    Sermon Guide

  • another brick in the wall  - Remember the great and awesome lord (03/01/2020)

    Nehemiah 4:7-23

    Sermon Guide

  • Another brick in the wall - Having a "mind to Work" (02/23/2020)

    Nehemiah 4:1-6

    Sermon Guide

  • another brick in the wall - all hands on deck (2/16/2020)

    Nehemiah 3:1-32

    Sermon Guide

  • another brick in the wall - accounting for conflict (02/09/2020)

    Nehemiah 2:19-20

    Sermon Guide

  • Another brick in the wall: realistic optimism (02/02/2020)

    Nehemiah 2:9-18

    Sermon Guide

  • Another brick in the wall-The good hand of god (1/26/20)

  • Vision 20/20 Part #3 of 3 "Our Strategy" (1/19/20)

    Acts 2:42-47

    Sermon Guide

  • VISION 20/20 PART #2 OF 3 "core values" (1/12/20)

    Acts 2:41-47

    Sermon Guide

  • Vision 20/20 - part #1 of 3 - pillars ( 1/5/20)

    Acts 2:41-47

    Sermon Guide

  • Becoming an "Assumed Person" (12/29/19)

    Matthew 2:13-23

    Sermon Guide

  • Praise Him for his greatness and grace (12/1/19)

    Advent 1 - Psalm 146

    Sermon Guide

  • What's in a Name?  (11/24/19)

    Luke 1:67-69

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED - CELEBRATION (11/17/19)

    Luke 4:14-22

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 9 - WORSHIP (11/10/2019)

    John 4:16-26

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 8 - GUIDANCE (11/03/2019)

    Acts 15:22-35

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 7 - cONFESSION (10/27/19)

    John 20:19-23

    Sermon Guide

  • rooted part 6 - Service (10/20/19)

    John 13:1-17

    Sermon Guide

  • Rooted Part 5 - Submission (10/13/2019)

    James 4:1-10

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 4 - Simplicity (10/06/2019)

    Matthew 6:25-33

    Sermon Guide

  • Rooted Part 3 - Study (09/29/2019)

    Philippians 4:8-9

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 2 - prayer (09/22/2019)

    Philippians 4:4-6

    Sermon Guide

  • ROOTED PART 1 - Meditation (09/15/2019)

  • Mission & Vision - "Gracious Acceptance"

    1 Corinthians 12-13

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  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.